Setup an application on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

 This is a step by step guide of setup a project on Google Cloud Platform. Lets start with a Laravel project. I'm assuming you have following prerequisites.

  • You already have an account on GCP.
  • You have filled your billing details.
  • You have a project repository.

Lets start with GCP.
1. Create an APP 

  • Go to GCP console.
  • If you are not login then do it.
  • If it's you first time on console, then it shows a pop-up for T&C. Fill you details and click continue.
  • Click on Select Project, It would open a pop up and pop-up has a new project button. Click it.

  • After that set a project ID & it is non editable and click create

Now, the app has been created successfully. 

2. Setup project on Cloud Run

  • Select app from top bar of GCP.
  • Select Cloud Run from left navigation menu.
  • Here click on create service from top navigation bar. 
  • Now select your nearest region available and give a service name.
  • In Authentications, select unauthenticated for the public APP & authenticated for restrictions. Now I'm selecting unauthenticated.
  • Click on Next. and it goes to Configure the service's first revision.
  • If you have a container image of project then select option one i.e.  Deploy one revision from an existing container image.
  • I don't have any image. So, selecting second option i.e.  Continuously deploy new revisions from a source repository 
  • It ask for set up with cloud build. Click it.
  • Link your git hub accout and select repository. and click next.
  • Now select your branch and build type Dockerfile.
  • Click save.
  • Now click advance settings for cloud run.
  • General section will auto filled by GCP. Jump to the capacity.
  • Select the container configurations. It woks on auto scaling so, when a container will occupied full the it automatically creates a new container with same configurations and it will go on up to max number of instances.
  • You can also manage the Max number of instances.
  • Two more options are there. variables and connection.
  • In variables you can add build variables.
  • In connections you can add DB connection.
  • I don't required these both options.
  • click create

The first application has setup successfully on GCP.


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